June 1, 2012

2012 | Day 150: Your world can change in the blink of an eye


The Starting Point = DESIRE

Achievement is not accomplished from nothing. It starts somewhere. As an idea, a dream, a goal, a vision. It starts with a DESIRE. A spark that can just flicker faintly or turn into a raging fire.

Passion creates a burning heat that can’t help but fan that spark into a flame. Passion fuels the flame and lifts the wind that breathes life into it. Passion stirs the life in that flame into a fire. Passion stokes the coals beneath that fire, to keep it burning bright. Passion lights the dark night with that fire as the flames rise higher and higher.

But if there is no wind, no passion, only a mere thought, a wish barely believed in, then that spark will never become a flame. It will only flicker, maybe flare briefly, but soon fade and die, disappearing into the wind as if it never existed, not even an echo of a shadow in the deepest dark of night, forgotten and discarded for all time.

Is your desire just a faint flicker or a fierce fire? If you want something, TRULY desire it then you will give nothing but your ALL to ensuring that it burns fierce and bright for the entire world to see, to spread so much light that you cannot see the shadows, drawing others into its circle. When your passion is such, it will not go UNnoticed, and the world will turn and watch as you pursue your dream.

When your desire is raging fire, you will achieve GREATNESS, because such vision cannot be hidden, only glowing brighter and brighter, until it garners support, encouragement from all directions, to see it fulfilled.

Quote for Reflection:



Sleep: Went to bed even earlier last night, but woke after only three hours at 0215, and, unable to go back to sleep, I got up at 0309. Started feeling it at 1000, my stomach in pain and uncomfortable, so I returned to bed and slept for another couple of hours, waking feeling so completely sore, my limbs, especially legs dead and heavy, like I am walking around with lead inside them (my body is definitely paying the price for doing squats during Tuesday's photoshoot, especially since it is no longer used to them).

Mood: Sobered down quite a bit, the way my body feeling not helping matters. Reminding myself that this feeling in only TEMPORARY and once I get back "on track" I will be fine in a few days.

Energy: About as much as a battery on its last legs today - hence today being this week's day OFF.


Avadean Lewis Health & Fitness Blog

I am honoured to be the "Fitness Model of the Month" for June

Cut And Jacked

I have been approached by several entities during the last month to either write or contribute articles to them for publication - CutAndJacked.com is one that I will be writing fresh articles for, more specifically For Women in the area of "Female Training".

Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter June Edition

Continuing on with topics that will appeal to a wider audience - the June edition of my monthly online newsletter covers STRESS. You can read it here.

WPM Women

The Spring/Summer 2012 issue of WPM Women will be out soon and I am very excited to see this issue! This will be the second issue of the magazine and let me just say, from what I have seen so far, it has SET the bar for all future issues! I am stoked to have several articles being published in this issue, including the inspirational story of a very amazing woman, so when it's available be sure to check it out!