June 2, 2012

2012 | Day 151: You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one


Beautiful Madness

No one is perfect. In fact, it is our IMPERFECTIONS that make us WHO we are, that make us BEAUTIFUL, that make us stand OUT. Besides, who wants to be perfect? If you’re perfect you never change, you never grow, and you never become better. And life is all about change, growth, and building on what is already there, layer upon layer, creating the complex and beautiful being that we are and were intended to be. Beauty is not in perfection; it is in IMperfection.

We all see the world differently. Therefore we each define the world and the way we experience it differently to everyone else. The world cannot be put into a small, square box, like some would will it, neat and clean and tidy and specifically labelled as something. Our DIFFERENCES make us unique. What some call “madness” others call “genius” and just because others have a certain perspective of you does not mean it is truth. All genius is discovered and created from what is always seen as “madness”.

Life is meant for LIVING. Dancing and laughing in the rain just because you can. Loving when all seems impossible, because the greatest happiness comes from dreaming and following our hearts. Taking the odds because you’d rather risk than play it safe. Standing OUTside the circle of others, because carving your own path is better than blending in and losing yourself.

Life is for making an IMPRESSION. On ALL whose paths you cross. And there is no greater impression left than that of one who KNOWS who they are, completely confident in it, striding through life with passion and purpose, imperfectly beautiful, the sparkle of mad genius like a halo around them, so wonderfully and unexpectedly different from the rest of the world that they are never forgotten, leaving a small part of themselves in the soul of all their lives touch.

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 15 per side
2. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
3. Rear Flyes 3 x 12
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 8
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 15 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x 15
10. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights [HIIT] Cardio:
a. Recline Bike 8 min @ 104-108 rpm
b. Recline Bike 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy
c. Recline Bike 8 min @ 104-108 rpm

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Could not sleep last night. Ended up watching two movies before resigning myself to silence at 0438, and even then, it took me a while to drift off into the darkness, waking several times, before eventually getting up just after 1000. Head and throat feel thick, body feeling like lead.

Energy: I MADE it happen.

Pump: Strong - and on NO Assault today, too (which just goes to show what all the carbohydrates I've been shoveling in the last few days can do).

Quality of Training: Didn't feel like doing it, honestly, the way my body is feeling (which is like a completely different person than it was only a few days ago). Feeling EVERY rep, every skipping revolution, every gasp for air.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and not recognize you? It's true that the higher you fly, the further you fall if your wings give out. I've never crashed this hard before (and no, it's not easy admitting it, either), but I know I can reach those heights and will only aim HIGHER now, working on my strength so that I don't fall again. I am just thankful to God for the amazing people He has Blessed me with at this point in my life!