May 17, 2012

2012 | Day 138: I break down even though I know I'm still strong


Broken Down to Rebuild Up

NO ONE is immune to tragedy. No one is immune to DESTRUCTION. No one is immune to breaking DOWN. No one is immune to coming UNdone. No one is immune to falling APART.

EVERYthing happens for a reason. Those times in your life that you think you cannot handle, surviving only to feel like you have been through the fires of hell, left with nothing but yourself, everything torn away from you, you know that you CAN. You know you are STRONG.

Left in the devastation behind, stripped bare of all you held precious, there is nothing but ashes and soot, a grey area to live in instead of the black and white, and yet there is still HOPE. For from ashes grow NEW life. From tearing down everything that once stood around you can be built something NEW. Everything broken and shattered inside you can be replaced with something BETTER and stronger.

If you did not like yourself before, or the life you lived, the people you lived with, you have a chance to CHANGE it. The circumstances might be extreme, but sometimes it takes extreme measures to facilitate change. Sometimes it takes the most terrible loss to realize what you truly HAVE and want to hold onto. Sometimes it takes falling apart, inside and out, to give yourself the FREEDOM to become what you know you are CAPABLE of being. Sometimes those circumstances OPEN your eyes to truth of yourself and your life, forcing you to make the decision of “settling” or forging forward to become what you WANT to be and do the things you want to do.

After all, the CHOICE to change is up to us. Sometimes the circumstances must be extreme until we can truly accept and allow ourselves to be weak in order to become the strength we ARE, to start from the ground up, building the foundation that will stand TRUE in all that we are, creating a being that we can be PROUD of.

Quote for Reflection:



On waking my stomach was so sore that I could barely walk, just wanting to stay curled up in the foetal position with the wheatie on it (which I did for a few hours). Decided to make today this week's day off because of that - no way was I in any condition to be training an hour after waking! Going to hit it hard tomorrow though, to punish myself for this!