December 6, 2014



There shines a light in EVERY soul. Sometimes we do not see it within ourselves. But others do and they make mention. Yet sometimes that light can become dark and needs to be relit. In those times the light shining in OTHERS can “respark” our own and see us glow again.

Light can be found in the most UNEXPECTED of places. Sometimes where we might never have thought it could come from. Surprising us with the magnitude of which that light can shine. Yet sometimes that light can become a source of comfort and looked forward to. In those times simply accept where you are at this moment and just ENJOY the warmth of the embers being stoked back to strength.

Light and dark. Sometimes we do not realize which of our “selves” we let the world see. We do not realize when we sparkle so brightly or darken the heavens. Yet sometimes we are more aware than ever of the effect we have. In those times we come into a “soul awakening” and once aware we can never become UNaware.

When your soul has been “woken” from its slumber life begins to OPEN up. YOU begin to see how every aspect of light and dark affects you and those around you. You begin to understand the IMPACT you can have on another soul. You begin to take CONTROL as much as you possibly can over yourself and your reactions to the world. You live CONSCIOUSLY. You seek to make every aspect of your being and the world around you as “healthy” as possible and encourage GROWTH in all areas.

Sometimes it is the most unexpected of lights that can ILLUMINATE the “darkness” in our lives and aid in bringing us to the CONSCIOUS awareness of “self”. Always be thankful.

© 2014 Rosie Chee