May 4, 2012

2012 | Day 125: Everyone falls apart...Inside I've changed...


You ARE Capable

Sometimes we look at ourselves and we DOUBT. We doubt that we can do what we want, seeing only the obstacles and letting our fears get the best of us. We doubt that we can overcome the obstacles, blinded by the now and where we are now and forgetting that the now is not what will be or has to be. We doubt that we have what it takes, forgetting that God does not place a dream in our hearts if we do not have the strength and tools to achieve it.

We need to STOP doubting! We need to start BELIEVING!

Believe that you CAN do it – you CAN achieve that goal, see that dream become real, be who you want to be! Believe that you CAN overcome the obstacles – they are only there to see how much you REALLY want it, to make you stronger and better, so that when you are finally where you want to be, you are the BEST you possible. Believe that you DO have what it takes – everything you’ve ever wanted, dreamed, or had a passion for comes from someWHERE, and you wouldn’t desire to achieve, see, be, or do those things if you didn’t have what it took to get there.

All your doubts as to why you’re not what you want to be, where you want to be, or doing the things you want to be are just EXCUSES. Get RID of those excuses and start BELIEVING IN YOURSELF that YOU ARE CAPABLE and JUST DO IT!

Quote for Reflection:



Probably NOT helping things re the way I feel and look right now by having today OFF, but I am having two days off ALL training this week, and today I decided to make one of them. Need it just to help me head, even if it doesn't help my head and makes matters worse re the mental beatings I cannot seem to stop giving myself at the moment. 'Tis true that the leaner we get, the harder we fall when it comes apart (I am definitely NOT proud of this week, but letting EVERYthing have a "Week Off") - I just have to make sure I can ensure another "miracle" over the next three weeks once I start training (and eating) properly re what my body loves and works for it again on Monday!


Keep in touch with me on Facebook: Rosie Chee.