May 5, 2012

2012 | Day 126: Talking To The Moon


Envision. Believe. Achieve.

For you to achieve anything, no matter how “impossible”, “unrealistic” or “against the odds” it might be, you must first envision it, and then believe that you CAN achieve it. You have to see it clearly in your mind, as real as what you want to make it, as if it were ALREADY tangible reality.

Every great accomplishment or dream begins with vision. You must know what it is that you want. You must know the path to follow to attain it and make it happen. You must know what you have to do, what you must overcome, and how you will overcome those obstacles, in order to bring it about.

Every great accomplishment or dream would not come to pass without belief. You must believe IN the vision, the dream. You must believe in YOURSELF and in your power to follow through with what must be done. You must believe in your STRENGTH to withstand and overcome any and all adversity that assaults you on your journey to making your dream a reality.

You have to ENVISION. You have to BELIEVE. Only then can you ACHIEVE.

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/1o sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 25 min

Full-Body (1 min recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 12
3. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (BB to touch floor) 3 x 10
TriSet B -
4. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 8
5. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 12
6. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
TriSet C -
7. Plate Zottoman Curls 3 x 12
8. Alternate Plate Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
9. Plate Hammer Curls (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 8
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on floor, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 15
11. Reverse Curl (on floor) 3 x 15
12. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15

Post-Weights Cardio:
Run 5 miles @ 4.7 min/mile pace

Stretch 5 min

Did not go to sleep until well after 0500, waking on and off throughout the day, finally getting up at 1630, despite wanting to just stay in bed and hide from the world. Didn't take long for my mood to transition and I actually looked FORWARD to training...Readied myself and set out for my HIIT Run. Body still feels like lead, but I was able to move better than I thought I would, right knee not aching until close to the end of the session. Sprints were ok, although I was finding it hard to breathe towards the end, and they felt like they were lasting FOREVER...Gave myself a little time to recover, stretching, before heading down to the basement and the weights. Full-Body session today. Again, one minute recovery between my "usual" sets. Left rear delt twinging sharply during Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows, right rear delt during Push-Ups. More ache in right rear delt during Behind-the-neck BB Military Press, but the most pain during Lateral Raises and Hammer Raises - in left delt. Full and painful pump by the end of the first set of TriSet C, left wrist also aching badly, pushing through with gritted teeth. Glad to finish off with TriSet D - although some pain still there...Didn't want to sit on my rollers today and went out for a run instead re post-weights cardio - running clears my head, and it was nice outside, cool with a breeze. Body seemed to only want to go at one pace, which was fine by me. The difficulty in breathing from about the 3.5-mile mark was not, and right rear knee started aching a little as well...Came back and did a little more stretching and that was it...


Body Composition

9% bodyfat - so gained 1.2% bodyfat over the last week. So very NOT cool. Given that the week prior I was training more intensely than usual, restricting carbohydrates for the first three days of the week, using Taraxatone to help flush any excess water out, and this week I have had a week "off" training (only three days of training. a day off all training every other day, and training done re weights with intensity very lowered than usual), been eating like there is no tomorrow (predominantly carbohydrates, up to 1,000 grams a day - for some reason I am hungry ALL the time), not following my 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window re meals (doing 12 hours each instead), and not drinking enough (barely getting in half a galleon of water a day), it's no surprise I "rebounded" so fast and as much. Yes, I am very upset and disappointed with myself, but I also know that once I get back on track on Monday re training and nutrition, I will be able to get back down to where I was in the next 2-3 weeks - I HAVE to; I have to be the leanest I have ever been for the end of May!

Leaving with a few words that I am currently having to tell myself on a daily basis: The only person in your way is YOURSELF. Throw OFF your restrictions and just GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT no matter the cost, because you'll hate yourself forever if you don't!