October 15, 2014



God created you as an individual. He lovingly crafted every inch of your body and then chose especially the soul that would reside there. He whispered dreams and longings into your spirit that you alone would hear and be able to fulfil the need for in this world. He made you to stand out and be seen. He WANTS you to soar on the winds above the earth. He wants you to ride the energy of your own unique spirit, for when you do that, when you follow your soul on a journey even you might not know where, you are opening up your life to more power and blessings, you on the world and in turn being able to also see and receive them.

Refuse to let the world sully what He made with grace and love. Do not allow it to dull the gleam of your soul and clip the wings of your spirit. Stand firm and steadfast, strong in your faith, in Him and who you are and your purpose, understanding that the diminishing of your light affects not just yourself but those around you and whom you impact, knowingly or not. There is something inside you that only YOU can bring to the world, so do not let the world “take it away”, for it will only destroy what was pure and beautiful, turning it into something muddy and ugly. Do not let them desaturate your soul, but find your courage and strength on the energy of the healing winds of the heavens.

© 2014 Rosie Chee