April 16, 2014



All of us have a GREAT capacity for courage and strength and intelligence. We might not think it, but we DO.

When you are going through immense change and everything in your life is topsy-turvy, upside down and back-to-front, and you keep GOING, head down, surging FORWARD through it all that is COURAGE. When your life changes so dramatically that tragedy besets you at almost every turn and you don’t know when the flames of destruction and pain will end, but you hold your head high and continue walking THROUGH the fire that is STRENGTH. When you have no idea what direction your life is headed but, coupled with what you know and common-sense, trust your instinct to lead you true that is INTELLIGENCE.

There is MORE within us than we could ever have possibly imagined. Some of us have just not yet had the life experience that causes us to draw deep within us to what we might have thought we never had. Those of us that have, whilst know the pain and suffering and heartache of such times, understand the NEED for them, their NECESSITY for personal GROWTH, and in TRULY knowing the desires hidden deep inside our SOUL.

When you see and ACCEPT those desires, you are called upon yet again to use that courage to step out AFTER your dreams, your strength to withstand any OBSTACLES that might want to hold you back, and the intelligence to know what to do when, so that you can ACHIEVE your dreams and see them made REALITY. Life is a winding path and you never know which way it can turn, so we do the BEST with what we have as we strive to become the BEST that we can possibly BE.

© Rosie Chee