July 13, 2012

2012 | Day 191: Light up the stars...All that you are...



Believe in yourself and the dreams in your heart. Believe in yourself and the goals you want to see manifest. Believe in yourself and the things you want to come true. Believe in yourself and stay true to yourself in everything you say and do.

Believe with all your heart that if it truly is important to you, then NOTHING will stop you from attaining it. Nothing will stand in your way or say “no, you cannot do that”, and if it does, you will knock it flying, because you have so much faith that you are flying on the wings of hope, and hope is so very powerful.

Believe in yourself and what you truly want and know that ANYthing can be made possible, become possible, BE possible. Dare to dream OUTside the realm of what is “possible”. Let nothing tell you that is it not, and if they do, do NOT accept it, for truth is what is and not one’s opinion.

Believe in the heavens and the stars that light them and that you can REACH those heavens if you truly strive to touch the stars and be AMONG them. Do NOT limit yourself to what SEEMS possible or conventional and doable by man, but live by the dreams in your heart and ALWAYS BELIEVE.

Quote for Reflection:


HIIT Treadmill:
a. 3 min @ 4.41 min/km
b. 2 x 20 sec effort @ 3.75 min/km / 10 sec rest
c. 2 x 20 sec effort @ 3.57 min.km / 10 sec rest
d. 2 x 20 sec effort @ 3.41 min.km / 10 sec rest
e. 2 x 20 sec effort @ 3.26 min.km / 10 sec rest
f. 3 min @ 4.41 min/km

Weights (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. EZ-Bar Biceo Curls 3 x 21s
2. DB French Press 3 x 8
3. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 20
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x 10
6. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
7. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Stretch 10 min

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 100-103 rpm

Stretch 10 min


Energy: Just feel exhausted and want to sleep - hopefully I will get an hour's catnap before work tonight.

Joints: Left hip is being a huge issue - going to be interesting at work tonight. Left shoulder is also feeling it. And left wrist.

Quality of Training: Back to the treadmill, yes (figured out which shoes will let me "get away" with using it) - increased speed every two efforts, just to make sure I WORKED. Slick and wet afterwards, dripping more as I got into the weights. Pain in right wrist from the start, my shoulders, left especially joining in the squawking of my body's protest at me. Stretched a little before doing post-weights cardio, finishing off when got back home.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Not been the best of weeks, but it's not over yet, and there is ALWAYS something in my day - SOMEONE - to make me SMILE, so thank God for small blessings.