May 12, 2012

2012 | Day 133: I am so far away from gone



If you IMAGINE it and BELIEVE in your imagining, then you can ACHIEVE it. The path to achievement is not always going to be easy – in fact, more often than not, it is going to be one of the MOST DIFFICULT things you will ever face. But that doesn’t make it something worth giving up on or letting go of – it makes it something to keep a firm hold of and KEEP STRIVING for. After all, anything worth doing is NEVER EASY. In the end though, if you are patient and stay true to your chosen course, the FINAL RESULT will make everything you’ve been through to get there WORTH it. Remember that whenever you are tempted to give up, for it is in those times, whether you give up or go on, that determines whether or not you reach the stars you are aiming for. And believe me, when you finally TOUCH those stars everything pales in comparison, your smile one you will never forget, knowing that every painstaking step of the journey to reach them was WORTH every sacrifice, every heartache, every tear, every sleepless night you spent to get there.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Session 2

Skip x 600 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec rest between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
2. DB Clean and Press 3 x 10
3. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 15
10. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 15
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-113 rpm

Stretch 26 min


Sleep: Tanked early last night - after second feeding. Woke a few minutes before my alarm this morning. Interesting.

Quality of Training: Left anterior delt inside shoulder was hurting during my 3-mile run...Left wrist started aching deeply during QuadSet B. Definition in delts and arms the best yet...Feeling my quads burn a little during post-weights cardio...

Vascularity: Excellent! Loving this! Seeing the blue lines strong all the way through my bicep and down my forearm

Body Composition: 8.8% bodyfat - 0.2% bodyfat loss, which, considering I was just getting "back" into training this week and nutrition has not been good until the end of the week, is ok. My girths are back to being symmetrical on both sides, albeit a good inch BIGGER than they were two weeks ago re legs - which is NOT acceptable, so working on bringing them back down. Re arms, it is good though, since left arm is now the biggest it has ever been - yay! Still feeling UNcomfortable in my body though - overall body mass is still high from holding water. Got to make the fat loss BETTER over the next week - aiming for at least a 0.7% bodyfat loss, to get me on track for what I want to be for my shoot at the end of May.

Supplements: My DCP runs out today.