March 3, 2013

2013 | Day 61: THE REST OF YOUR LIFE



TODAY marks the FIRST day of the REST of your life. What are you going to DO with it?

What happened yesterday has PASSED. Today is a world of OPPORTUNITIES waiting to be stepped INTO.

Yesterday might have hurt. It might have caused pain beyond belief, but that pain does NOT have to linger. It does not need to dwell on your heart and CONTINUE into today. Choose to let GO of that pain. Give it up to God and allow Him to HEAL the wounds in your soul. Let Him fix the broken parts of you, so that you can look at the world with eyes of WISDOM and know that even though there is pain in life, it is BEAUTIFUL.

No matter what state we are when we come before Him, He CAN fix it. He can make us WHOLE. He can COMPLETE what was missing, what was damaged, what we thought impossible to repair in a lifetime. He works MIRACLES in our favour, because He wants us to LIVE.

To live we must be able to see the beauty in the dawn, the hope in the light of the sunbeams streaming across the vast expanse of sky that crosses this world, and know that the dawn is another CHANCE. Another chance to RISK, to love and let those we love KNOW how much they mean to us, to start OVER and begin anew if we have to. We might have been broken in the past, but we do not have to carry that into the FUTURE. We do not have to live it TODAY.

Today is a NEW day. It is the FIRST day of the REST of your LIFE. Make the MOST of it.

© 2013 Rosie Chee


This week re training:


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB MIlitary Press 5 x 10, 8, 6, 6, 6
2. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. BB Military Press 5 x 6
4. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 5 x 8 each side
6. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (DB to touch floor) 5 x 8
8. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio - Treadmill:
a. 10 min @ Incline 11 at 3 miles/hour
b. 10 min @ Incline 11 at 3.3 miles/hour

Session 3

a. 10 min @ Incline 11 at 3.3 miles/hour
b. 5 min @ Incline 12 at 3.3 miles/hour
c. 5 min @ Incline 13 at 3.3 miles/hour


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

20 min @ Incline 10 at 3 miles/hour


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 24 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between supersets and trisets):
SuperSet A -
1. Guerilla Knee-Ups 4 x 8, 6, 6, 4
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet A -
3. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 4 x 21s
4. Dips 4 x 8, 8, 6, 6
5. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
6. Alternate Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 12
7. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 8, 6, 6, 5
8. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
9. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 10, 15, 20, 25
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio - Treadmill:
20 min @ Incline 12 at 3 miles/hour


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

a. 5 min @ Incline 10 at 3 miles/hour
b. 5 min @ Incline 11 at 3 miles/hour
c. 5 min @ Incline 12 at 3 miles/hour
d. 5 min @ Incline 13 at 3 miles/hour


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 6
2. BB Military Press 3 x 6
3. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10, 8, 6
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
7. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 6
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Swissball Crunches (feet on wall, knees at 90 degrees) 3 x 12
10. Swissball Crunches (270 to 180 degrees) 3 x 10
11. Bicycle 3 x 20
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio - Treadmill:
a. 5 min @ Incline 10 at 3 miles/hour
b. 5 min @ Incline 11 at 3 miles/hour
c. 5 min @ Incline 11 at 3.3 miles/hour
d. 5 min @ Incline 12 at 3.3 miles/hour

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

20 min @ Incline 11 @ 3.3 miles/hour


Run 3 miles

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between supersets and trisets):
SuperSet A -
1. Guerilla Knee-Ups 3 x 8, 8, 6
2. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 3 x 8
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet A -
5. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 6 per side
6. Side-to-side Medicine Ball Push-Ups (feet on floor) 3 x 12
7. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
8. TRX XY 3 x 6
9. Plate Hammer Raises to Lateral Raises 3 x 6
10. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
11. Single-Leg DB Deadlifts 3 x 8 per side
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
13. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 12
14. Dips 3 x 6 
15. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio - Treadmill:
a. 10 min @ Incline 11 at 3.3 miles/hr
b. 5 min @ Incline 12 at 3.3 miles/hr
c. 5 min @ Incline 12 at 3.5 miles/hr

Stretch 20 min




Sleep: Sleeping a lot better - quality, deep, albeit no dreaming. My 4-5 hours needed has been had most nigthts.

Mood: My smile this week has not had to be forced.

Energy: Energy has been dragging a couple of days, but for the most part, I have been a little like an energizer bunny.

Stress: If last week was a 100 on the 1-10 stress-meter, this week was in the given range.

Concentration: The pressure has been on at work, but I kept my focus and EXCEEDED expectations, which only makes me determined to KEEP doing it!

Body Composition: 8.2% bodyfat - only a 0.2% bodyfat loss from last week, but, given everything, it's ok, and I am fine with that. I am back to being at a comfortable body composition and size for me. Now just going to maintain (or get LOWER - lower is ALWAYS better, especially re perormance for me I feel) and train for athletic performance henceforth.

Quality of Training: Since I feel that the treadmill incline walking has been helping a lot, even if it doesn't seem like I am doing much, I have kept it in, and tried to make sure I do it post-weights AND (if I can), again in the afternoon as a "second cardio". Resistance training has gone ok - struggling through some sessions, and Friday definitely felt like I was in there FOREVER, when it was the SHORTEST of them all, but managing what I have to. Feeling my abs the third and fourth days after doing them, espeically re the Guerilla Knee-Ups, which is almost a WELCOME pain, but not LOL. HIIT has been good. Running outside is definitely the way for me, and I don't feel like I have started my day UNTIL I have done my run (and this week, for the most part, it has been in and through the snow).

Joints: Shoulders have been giving troubles, but pushing through it - someone even mentioned to me earlier in the week that I "push through the pain in the gym". I am NOT going to let it hamper my training, especially when next week training starts focusing on all the obstacle events I am going to be doing over the next few months - Gladiator Assault Challenge is only FIVE weeks away!

Nutrition: Appetite has been back in full force and have had only two days "good" this week (which helps in part explain the slower progress re fat loss, although the leaner a female gets in this range, the harder it IS to get leanER). Water consumption has been back to normal. Feeling ok.

Overall Sense of Feeling: After a devastating week, I've come out stronger, surer, and better. I know what I want. I made my choices. I set in motion the decisions that will create my future. And it is good. HE is good!...And yes, I finally CUT my hair - more than an act, the symbolism of it encompasses everything that has gone on the last couple of months, the heartache and decisions made, ending in me opening my soul and ALLOWING room for growth, cutting away that which I had been holding onto because I was not ready and did not want to let it go, able to make my peace with whatever may and will happen in the future, and to finally stop keeping the factets of myself that rare few have ever seen hidden away. This is me, stepping out and taking that risk, unafraid of what will happen, because I know that withOUT it, my life would not be able to be all it SHOULD be...