March 30, 2012

2012 | Day 90: ...making me all I was meant to be...


"'For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord, 'plans to give you hope and a future'." - Jeremiah 29:10

For the complete Motivational, review Trust In HIS Timing | WPM Women.


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between trisets/skipping):
TriSet A -
1. Rope Crunches 3 x 15
2. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
3. Ab Rollout 3 x 15
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
5. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
6. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 15 per side
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
8. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 15
9. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
11. Side-to-side DB Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 10
12. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 6 inches with the BB) 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 102-104 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Recline Bike 20 min @ 112 rpm

Slept for barely an hour this morning, just ending up getting up at my usual time...Headed out for HIIT - right knee slowed me a little, but not by a lot. Pain was more in my left shoulder/biceps tendon and under my ribs during (which was odd)...SO ready for the gym and hammering my body, energy high despite my 7-mile run last night and literally no sleep. Feeling my abs burn during TriSet A - also both shoulders on the Ab Rollout. Left wrist had the same deep, aching pain around my scaphoid during TriSet B as last week, and took it a little slower, my expressions alternating between smiles (when I was thinking of you) and grimaces (when the pain overtook the memory). to punish myself more, did a few more reps to add to the pain on Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls. Vascularity was awesome, as it always is now when I'm training - definitely think it has something to do with how warm I am and how I train and I have got to have this for photoshoots (working on it). Interestingly enough, during my skipping between trisets, my RIGHT delt looked more capped, with more definition to that side than my left; yet during TriSet C re Plate Lateral Raises and Hammer Raises, my LEFT side had more definition. Rear Flyes were a definite effort, clicking my neck back "into" place after every set. Back to the Neutral Grip Seated Cable Rows (each arm with its own handle) - increased the weight from what I used yesterday. Again, on the last set of Side-to-side DB Push-Ups, on the eighth rep of the second set there was a loud crack and pop in my right shoulder, followed by pain, which I had to pause briefly after, but completed the set. Right knee was NOT appreciating the skipping...A little slower on the Recline Bike today, because of my right knee, but it was done..."Limped" home, trying my best not to put too much pressure on my right leg...LEFT shoulder/biceps tendon has been giving me more pain than the right today, but both have been a constant biting sting that sometimes makes me want to SCREAM, especially during any shoulder flexion, which is causing me to be careful with my movement of them...Started feeling the lack of sleep a little ~1300, and passed out for about an hour, waking and not able to get any more...Didn't mind going downstairs to the Fitness Room for the Recline Bike. Both knees ached on it, but I forced them to spin at 112 rpm (so much easier to do a higher pace on this one than the one at the gym - the seat angle is the difference), half-way between laughing and crying for the better part of it. Afterwards though, walked VERY gingerly back to my suite, my legs NOT appreciating the stairs, wanting to have my walking stick to help me (sigh). Hopefully they'll be a little better tomorrow...