July 1, 2014



Sometimes we have a dream that we are hesitant to go after because we believe for whatever reason, whether we told it to ourselves or someone else did and we started believing that we do not deserve what we want. That is NOT true. You DO deserve your heart’s desire, the passionate dreams lying in your soul, for they were NOT placed there by accident, and you would not have them if there was no purpose to them or you could not fulfil them in your life and that of others.

IGNORE those who tell you “no”, who say you “can’t” or “shouldn’t”, who have no idea who you are or what you are capable of, those who have let their own dreams fall to the wayside and have no belief or hope left inside them. Instead surge FORWARD, strive on, keep fighting, ensure constant progression towards your goals and dreams, utilizing the power of positive thought and reinforcement, surrounding yourself with people who SUPPORT your ambitions and understand the journey you have embarked upon.

NEVER let anyone tell you that you do not deserve something. NEVER let anyone discourage you from going after your dreams. NEVER let anyone deter you from the destiny that your heart wants for you, especially if INSTINCT and everything in you is screaming out for the FULFILMENT of your dream.

You DO deserve what you want. You DO have the power to make your dreams REALITY. You CAN do this, so OWN it, get out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

© Rosie Chee