February 12, 2012

2012 | Day 43: And this is how it looks when I am standing on the edge...this is how I break apart...


"Staying Positive...knowing anything is possible despite all odds. Staying in control...knowing we have the power over our own life. Staying Focused and Determined...knowing it's the key to any goal. Staying positive, in control, Focused and Determined..." - Roland Lorans

For the complete Motivational, review Staying Positive | WPM Women.


Training completed this week:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 20 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 6 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Shoulders/Hamstrings (1 min recovery between sets):
1. Smith Machine Seated Behind-the-neck Military Press 6 x 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5
2. Smith Machine Seated Military Press 6 x 6
3. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 6 x 12 per side
4. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlift (on 6-inch box, BB to touch floor) 6 x 10

Post-Weights Cardio:
CrossTrainer 20 min

Stretch 5 min

Woke just before my 0330 alarm this morning - hasn't taken long for my body to get back into the groove of getting up at this time, which is great. Out into the frigid air I went for HIIT. Legs a little tender, but kept up a surprising pace, even though it was rolling terrain. Twisted my ankle on an uneven area of the road towards the end, but it did not stop me from finishing strongly...Walk to the gym took a little longer than usual this morning, and I'm finding that I don’t mind it even being ~20 minutes. Started out with Seated Behind-the-neck Military Press again this morning. Same weight as last week. PAIN! I struggled to get the eighth rep out, dropping my right arm to my side, cradling it as close as possible, the pain was that excruciating. So much for making progress. In the mood I was in though, I didn't care, and kept the weight at what it was, pushing my right arm up to the BB, forcing the next five sets out, screaming inside with EVERY rep. Even though using the Smith Machine, it was a real effort, testing my limits. My body had had enough after just six sets, but it was not going to be let off that easily. Six sets of regular Seated Military Press at a lighter weight than last week, gritting my teeth, dropping my right arm to my side after every set, welcoming the pain, even though I know I'm going to suffer for it later on today (and into tomorrow most likely). My right side had almost lost all strength by the time I started on Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises, and I had to dropset the weight each set - kept it the same for my left side as mu right, since I don't want my body to become even more unbalanced than it has become. Finished off by stretching my hamstrings out. Lower back was in agony during Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts today - has been aching more than ever now that I have started sprinting harder and faster again...Even though I as light-headed and not feeling it, I forced my body to finish with 20 minutes on the CrossTrainer, upping the pace for the last half, just to make sure I was destroyed at the end of the session, as if resistance training wasn't enough...Was the slowest walk back to the hotel…Right shoulder and arm is in a lot of pain - taking lots of Aleve to help minimize any swelling and deal a little with the pain, although some of the pain is WELCOME, to help take my mind off a far more destructive pain. After all, my body WILL heal...


CrossTrainer 10 min

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between alternate sets and trisets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Dips 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6
2. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 8, 6, 6, 6
Alternate Set B -
3. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8
4. Incline DB Hammer Bicep Curls 4 x 12, 12, 10, 10
Alternate Set C -
5. Push-Ups (hands on DB under chest, feet on floor) 4 x 10, 10, 10, 8
6. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 12, 12, 10, 10
TriSet -
7. Rope Crunches 4 x 20, 15, 15, 10
8. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (hips to 90 degrees) 4 x 8, 6, 6, 6
9. Ab Rollout 4 x 20, 15, 15, 10

Post-Weights Cardio:
CrossTrainer 20 min

Stretch 30 min

First morning with all my "staples" back. Definitely noticed the difference. Also to note that this was also the first morning in over two months that I have NOT used Aleve (going to see how this goes this week - I have been getting too dependent on this, dosing the same as someone 2-3 times my size, and need to stop)...Walked to the gym and straight onto the CrossTrainer for a brisk 10 minutes. Even in that brief time, I heated up quickly, feeling rather feverish actually, and it lasted throughout the rest of the session. At eight minutes, my right knee started hurting, which is a first in using the CrossTrainer, and hopefully the last...Pumped up and ready to go, headed into weights with a vengeance. Surprised myself with the improvement in strength on Dips - well, not so much strength, but reps I was able to do before the pain set in, which was not until the last couple of reps on the last two sets. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls were another story, and although I was able to do more than last week, I'm still lacking re strength here. Same weight for V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs as last week, but able to do more reps. Upped weight for Incline DB Hammer Bicep Curls - right biceps tendon started burning sharply on the second set, but I forced out 12 reps, but on the eleventh rep the third set, my right arm just gave out and I dropped the DB, so ending it there, going on to do only 10 reps for the final set. Excellent vascularity though, so made up for it a little (but not really). Alternate Set C was good. Getting better with lack of pain on Push-Ups, hands right under chest, my elbows able to actually stay right in at my sides, all the way down until I hit the DB. Last set though, my right side gave out on me during the ninth rep. Veins were ropes in my forearms, looking hard and dry during DB Zottoman Curls - loving it, especially when the double separation re veins in biceps appeared. Abs' triset was painful. Still having issues with Hanging Straight-Leg Raises - so much pain hanging, even with both hands there, and my back is also hurting for some reason during, but did as many as I could before my right arm/shoulder gave out...20 minutes on the CrossTrainer to finish. My right bicep tendon was screaming in pain during this and I actually had my left hand on it, fingers digging into it to minimize the pain. For some reason, doing that caused my left calf a little strain, but was not too much of an issue. Face flushed, dripping by the end, lightheaded, but glad I had done it. Definitely a good feeling...Walked back to the hotel, revelations suddenly falling through my mind. I might be struggling with training, but it IS going to get better. I AM going to get better and I AM going to be BETTER than I was before my injuries. I am Blessed in being Alive and being able to do what I CAN...


a. 4 min jogging
b. 16 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. STOP 2 min
d. 1 min jogging
e. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
f. 4 min jogging

Stretch 25 min

First day using Erase PRO...Woke every 90 minutes during the night after falling asleep, which was a little annoying. Felt feverish every time I woke as well, which I thought nothing of, since the air conditioning if too warm can sometimes cause me to feel like that. However...As soon as I started running, I felt nauseous. Not a nice feeling. I started out gingerly, feeling like I would be sick at any minute. When it came to start my sprints, I was like "fcuk it", and just went all out. Sprints were GREAT - fastest they have been, and most effortless as well, since I started back training. Knees were also great. Nausea stayed with me, and 12 minutes into HIIT I had to stop. I spent two minutes being sick on the side of the road, which was no fun at all. Now, whether or not it's because I HAVE gotten sick (since I've been training and dealing with sick people the last few days at work, and I DID spend all yesterday at work hot and cold, taking my hoodie on and off), or if it's just because it’s my first day of Erase PRO and my system needs some time to adjust to having 75 mg of 3,7-keto at once (every dose of Erase I use is only 50 mg 3,7-keto) or there's something in it that can cause such effects, I don't know - it's too early to tell either way. Anyways, I kept going, careful with a minute just jogging lightly, in case I had to stop again. After that, since my body WAS feeling good (aside from the nausea) and I felt fresh, I did another eight sprints, finishing off with some light jogging. My right knee did not bother me until I started running again after stopping, and then it was just tight, not the seizing it has been doing until now. Right shoulder/biceps did not hurt during my run at any point, but my LEFT delt actually did, and I could feel a pull through it during the second half of HIIT, which was interesting...A little relived that today is JUST HIIT and no resistance training, to be honest, since I'm still feeling nauseous. Plus, it gives my body a chance to recover, since I have pushed myself harder this week in training and was pretty shattered last night after the long day at work yesterday...


Session 1

CrossTrainer 10 min

Session 2

CrossTrainer 10 min

Back/Chest (1 min recovery between alternate sets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Supinated Pull-Ups 4 x 8, 6, 5, 4, 3
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on swissballs) 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8
Alternate Set B -
3. Supinated BB Bent Over Rows 4 x 8, 7, 6, 5
4. Incline BB Bench Press 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8

Post-Weights Cardio:
CrossTrainer 20 min

Stretch 20 min

Didn't get to sleep until I should have been getting up, so just left it and decided to train after work...Had a short break early afternoon, so did a rapid 10 minutes fast on the CrossTrainer. BURNED my legs...Did not get to start training until close to 2100. First day doing back and chest in ~5 months (excluding the minimal work done during Full-Body sessions). It was tough - strength and function has been sorely affected from my torn right biceps and rotator cuff tendons. Pull-Ups was pathetic - hard to believe, watching me struggle to do the pitifully low reps that I did, that I used to be able to do several sets of at least 4-5 TIMES that many! Definitely a struggle on the last rep of each set, and I tried for an additional one as well, but did not happen. Flat BB Bench Press - even demonstrating this to members with NO weight, or even with just the motion, causes extreme pain in my right shoulder - was a no-go, and I stuck with doing Push-Ups, albeit making them harder, using swissballs to force stability and my core to work more. They were ok, a little unstable in starting, and I had to really concentrate on my balance, but, aside from extreme lower back pain affecting my last rep or two on each set, I was ok. Strength less on Supinated BB Bent Over Rows and, even though I put on less than what I was lifting pre-injury, I had to drop it back even more. Right elbow did not go in straight by my side, and despite my best efforts, insisted each time on going out on an angle - going to have to work on that. The biggest surprise was with Incline BB Bench Press - strength has NOT decreased here, and there is NO pain in my right shoulder doing this. So, incline bench press to stay and flat bench press to go...Finished off with 20 minutes hard and fast on the CrossTrainer. Right shoulder started hurting painfully after ~10 minutes, so had my elbow bent up, holding my shoulder. At ~16 minutes, my right knee started hurting (like it did yesterday), and slowed me down a little. Plus, started getting quite dizzy and lightheaded and was wobbly a little. Glad when I was done and could lie on the floor to stretch...


HIIT Treadmill:
a. 1 min @ 12 miles/hr
b. 1 x 10 sec rest/50 sec @ 11.5 miles/hr
c. 1 x 20 sec rest/40 sec @ 11 miles/hr
d. 1 x 30 sec rest/30 sec @ 10.5 miles/hr
e. 2 x 30 sec rest/30 sec @ 10 miles/hr
d. 1 x 30 sec rest/30 sec @ 9.5 miles/hr
e. 2 x 30 sec rest/60 sec @ 9 miles/hr

CrossTrainer 10 min

Stretch 10 min

For Time SuperSet (no recovery between supersets):
1. Plate Push (on ground) 8 x 30-feet
2. Single-Arm DB Cleans 8 x 5 per side

Stretch 15 min

Since I didn't get to sleep until I wanted to be getting up this morning, I decided to do my training after work. LONG day at work - well over 12 hours - which caused a second thought about training, especially since my legs were sore from demonstrating leg exercises to members for the past few days (I DON’T train legs simply because they are big enough already and I do NOT want them bigger, and even demonstrating exercises with no weight, my lower body re glutes and legs have GAINED half an inch this week, which I am NOT happy with at all!) Today is HIIT day. Figured to give the treadmill a shot, even though I determined pre-injuries last year that I never wanted to use another treadmill again. Anyways, started off on that - took a little to get the pace up, and because I was not prepared for it, I allowed it to get higher than I should have, so not giving my body any chance at all to ease into it, but going straight for intensity. Yeah - not too smart. Did intervals, but instead of going UP in pace and/or time, I dropped it back each time, for a slightly shorter "effort" period. My shins were ok, but my left ankle almost gave out on me after ~5 minutes. 10 minutes was enough, and finished up on the CrossTrainer the rest of the 20 minutes I wanted to complete...Stretched afterwards, and that was going to be the end of training for me today (decided on doing Full-Body tomorrow). However, ended up having to stay at work even longER, joining one of the guys doing a random superset for time, just because. Yes, I know, not wanting to do legs (and having no need to either, since they get worked enough in my cardio), but since they were already shot (or so I thought) from everything else this week, I said why not, despite my reservation about doing single-arm cleans with my shoulders and arms the way they are (not wanting to aggravate either one, since both have been very sore all day). Try pushing a rubber plate across carpet - it was SLOW and taxing on the legs, but it was ok. Discovered that cleans weren’t as bad as I thought they would be - maybe because it was a rapid power movement - and I ended up INcreasing the weight after the second time through. Sweat was dripping off both of us before we were even half-way through, my legs were screaming, and I was panting, the exertion sounding like I was doing something else, LOL. Even though my legs were on fire after eight rounds, my endurance is very strong and I could have kept going, but did not, stretching out my body after a few stairclimbers and lunges...



I actually was going to do my Full-Body session today before or after work. Didn't get up before work, since I only went to sleep at ~0500, and after work, I was beyond shattered, even though it was a "slower" day. Likely from Friday’s session after work, my body was shattered, still in pain in my left tricep from Back/Chest day (re swissball push-ups), and aching in places it has not ached in a very long time. So, mentally beating myself up, but allowing my body a chance to recuperate, especially since I was very feverish on waking...


Recline Bike 20 min @ 105-109 rpm

Stretch 20 min

I wasn't going to do anything today, especially since I woke up in a terrible state, feverish, but cold, feeling like my head was gong to explode from the pounding, throat dry and swollen, muscles MORE than aching, coughing up blood until I thought my throat was raw. However, because I didn't do anything yesterday, and because I don't want to have more than ONE day off training a week, I went downstairs to the hotel Fitness Room and sat on the recline bike for 20 minutes. Definitely prefer that one to the one at the gym, as it allows me to spin - the one at the gym does not and even on the lowest resistance level, makes me feel like I am climbing hills, and I don't need to have ANY resistance, even from that, because if I do, my legs will BLOW up, and that’s the LAST thing desired! Hot and cold, dizzy, and feeling like I was going to pass out, I did it anyway, so hopefully that "light" exercise will help my body in some way.

Training has been interesting this week. Just below Maintenance, with only 75% of it completed. Schedule has been a little off-base as well, with me not being able to go to sleep until I wanted to be up from Thursday on, training instead after work then and Friday. NOT acceptable, and from now on, even if I am still awake at 0330, I am going to get my training done FIRST THING, period! There can be NO EXCUSES! I WILL DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE!


Body Composition

Now at 8.9% bodyfat - minimal 0.3% bodyfat loss. Although it is a little disappointing, I am "ok" with it, knowing that I can make my progress faster, especially since this week was the OPPOSITE of last week re nutrition - yes, so even with only two of seven days with "good" nutrition (work has been so long - >12-hour days - and stressful this week that, every night but Friday, the guys and I have gone out for a buffet dinner on leaving there - bad I know, but calorie and carbohydrate-wise, it's more beneficial for my body than what I've done the last couple of weeks) as opposed to five of seven, I have made MORE progress this week than I did the last TWO with "good" nutrition, even with only 75% of my training completed this week. Definitely interesting, but also motivating...Another interesting thing was that I have GAINED half an inch in my LOWER body re glutes and legs, which is definitely NOT ok - from now on, I will NOT be demonstrating ANY lower body exercise for ANYone, whether with no weight or even just static at all, since all it is doing is adding more muscle mass to my legs, the complete OPPOSITE of what I want!...I NEED to get leaner ASAP!!!


Started back on my "staples" on Tuesday. Believe me, even in a day, I knew that I was once again using Erase and AnaBeta - in and out of the bathroom all day, so much it was annoying, LOL. But, loving having them all back - I feel somewhat like me again...Began Erase Pro on Wednesday...I have NOT used ANY Aleve since Monday, to see how it goes. Knees have been a little swollen on some days, as well as right shoulder/upper arm, with pain constantly prevalent, but right now, it has been a welcome pain, and so I am going to continue withOUT Aleve henceforth...

So, let's see what the coming week brings. It's going to be interesting, especially with everything going on in my life right now. But, BRING IT ON!!!