April 4, 2013



You were created for a PURPOSE. Your life has a MISSION. You were born to LIGHT UP the world. You were meant to make a DIFFERENCE.

You are UNIQUE. You are different from EVERYONE else. You stand ALONE in your gifts and abilities. You and only YOU can shine the light that resonates from your soul.

Smile. Laugh. Love. Live.

The glow of your smile can shimmer over any heart, filtering in down into the darkest of crevices, and spark another glow that could become a powerfully burning flame in the world. The sound of your laughter can pierce even the most distraught heart and turn on a smile that could become the next light spreading hope in the world. The way that you love can touch a heart once thought ice and long dead of all emotion and feeling, and create a desire to step out into the world again. The life that you live can be the example that someone else needs to know that everything will be ok, no matter what their world looks like now.

There is something IN you that has tremendous power for GROWTH. Not only for YOU, but for OTHERS. Live your life as a shining EXAMPLE of what a MIRACLE is. Light up the world with your smile. Light up the heavens with your laughter. Light up the souls around you with your love. Light up all that you can with your life.

You were created for a purpose. Your life has a mission. Make the most of who you are and what you have and the time you exist in to FULFIL your destiny of “light”.

© 2013 Rosie Chee