December 24, 2011

Day 358: Happy Christmas New Zealand!

This goes out to EVERYone - family, friends, and even those I do not know, because I believe that it is something EVERYone should have!
 Have a Truly Blessed Christmas All!

December 19, 2011

Day 353: 2012 OAMG Calendar AVAILABILITY!

Day 352: The Beauty in Strength & Determination



ANOTHER week NOT training - instead, being bedridden 95% of the time, because walking around last week made my left knee worse, swelling up more and more (and now my RIGHT knee is starting to swell as well, from all the moving around I have done the last two days). So, not the happiest of people right now, but hoping that the rest HELPS my body RECOVER!


Body Composition

Body Composition continued to drop this week, now back at 7.8% bodyfat this week - again, very surprised, since I have done NO training for ~2 weeks now, and my eating has NOT changed (and if anything, this week, I have had the munchies - and given in, as always - rather badly)! All my injuries must be taking more out of my body than I thought. I will note though, that I DEFINITELY notice the difference from NOT training - although I am the same body composition as I was when I shot with Walt Ostarly ~3 weeks ago, my muscle definition not as hard and therefore not as "defined", and I actually feel rather soft, if I am honest. That said, my girths have also continued to decrease, and I am now 0.5 cm smaller re chest (smallest it has ever been!), glutes, and thighs than I was when I shot with Walt, my arms also smaller (THAT is NOT a good thing, but the glutes and thighs I am ok with). REALLY hoping and praying that I am not out from training for long (I canNOT even do cardio on my bike until my knees stop swelling and go down), because I do NOT want to lose the muscle mass that I have just painstaking built for a second time this year!


So, an ignored aggravated biceps tendon (since 2007) finally tore - at the shoulder. That single injury created a domino effect in my body re other injuries - some old, but just getting worse, and some new. Not just my right biceps tendon is torn, but also my right rotator cuff tendon. There is impingement in my right shoulder, and I still cannot even lift my right arm - even UNassisted - past ~30 degrees without wanting to fall on the floor and scream in pain. I have nerve root impingement in my neck - an old injury (from when I crushed my cervical vertebrae in 2004) aggravated from the way my right arm has been hanging and the way I am favouring my right shoulder. My lower right back is still bruised and there is literal pain when the bones at the base of my lower back are touched. I have chondromalacia in both knees, and there are now bone fragments in my right knee capsule, causing it to catch and seize, hence the sharp pain, swelling, and lack of range of motion there. The last couple of days, my LEFT knee has also started having sharp pains across the kneecap, and that too has started swelling - despite the fact that I am now using a walking stick to hobble around (when I do). On top of that, my right wrist has been playing up, and my left wrist I have to be careful not to put too much pressure on when I use the walking stick  - my body is falling apart, LOL.

Recharge with Rosie | 7-Week Motivational

Don't forget that you can download for free, my 7-Week Motivational eBook, Recharge with Rosie.

RCS Newsletter December 2011 | The TRAVEL & HOLIDAY Edition

It IS the Holiday Season, so be sure to check out December's RCS Newsletter, The TRAVEL & HOLIDAY Edition.

Christmas/New Year

I survived the 17-hour drive from Texas back to Wisconsin over the weekend, back for another white Christmas (I really wish I was back home, enjoying the New Zealand summer and having Christmas on the beach with a barbeque dinner - with the way this year has gone, that was not an option, even though I have been wanting to go home for a while now, and I am hoping to get back for my nephew's first birthday next year at the latest now!), and a couple of weeks off before having to head back to Texas for work. My goals for 2012 have all been done and my FIRST priority of the New Year (starting now, really) is to recover and rehabilitate myself from all these injuries AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so that I can get back to training and doing what I want and need to, because 2012 is going to be a BIG year for me (already the plans have been set in motion).

For all of those traveling over the following week - whether back "home", or to visit family and friends, I hope you all have a safe trip. God Bless you all this Christmas, overflowing those blessings into the New Year, giving you more than you could ever hope and dream of!